Prime Ordination Matrix (POM) + Technical Reports
Jeremiah 1:4-5 Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying:
5  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified [ a ]  you; I  [ b ] ordained you a prophet to the
What word did God speak over your life? What did he ordain you to be?
Your POM unlocks the answers.
Your Prime Ordination Matrix (POM) is based on Spiritual Law as
stipulated in Jeremiah 1:4-5 and Genesis 1:3. Using the Alpha
Intelligence (AI) of God, DBUM reveals your unique POM, which is the
first level feature of DBUM, compulsory for unlocking your spiritual
blueprint and purpose mapping systems. By unlocking POM, you’ll access
the ancient divine keys to spiritual laws that bind, lose, code, and cord your
destiny using Bible Technology and “prophetic development processes” for
your purpose using matrix mapping systems.
Included in the mandatory Tier 1 is your Name of Birth Matrix (NOBM),
Date of Birth Matrix (DOBM) plus Technical Reports, known as PTR
(Prophetic Technical Reports).
The PTRs are “prophetically processed” with prophetic insights and
revelation knowledge. The PTR includes a CSS (Conclusive Summary
Submission). There are five (5) parts to the CSS.

  1. Exclusive Prophetic Executive Summary & Conclusion
    (insights into Bible Technical and Spiritual Processes involved in locating
    and unlocking Destiny Blueprints and POM: Key Findings Revealed)
  2. Exclusive Prophetic Executive Summary (EPES)
    (insights into how your NOBM & DOBM cords, codes, bonds to Bible
    Chapters & unlocks your Prime Anointing levels and divine assignments)
  3. Exclusive Prophetic Evaluation and Analysis (EPEA)
    (analysis of anointing levels, authority dimensions, dominion and
    territorial access portals: key findings in spiritual territorial positioning)
  4. Exclusive Prophetic Conclusions & Recommendations (EPCR)
    (conclusions of your POM and guidance into your next level: Key insights)
  5. Exclusive Prophetic Recommendations on DMMPS

(get an exclusive insight into why your DMMPS – destiny matrix mapping
positioning systems is key to unlocking your individual, family, marriage,
village, town, city, nation, country and government and why your DMMPS
is a critical prophetic insight into where you choose to live in this world and
with you: key insights in spiritual and physical territorial occupation and
possession )
$250 USD

Deliverance Prophet
Prophetic Visionary,Writer & Publisher
DBUM Bible Technologist
The Oracle of God
10 Years of Prophetic Training (from 2014-2024- launch)
Journalist, Editor, Author, Publisher, Content Creater and Blogger

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